I was just done with the latest episode of Spy x Family and the one word that describes it perfectly would be “WHOLESOME”. If you had the pleasure of witnessing the cuteness that was filled in it then you most definitely agree with what I said.
With the season 1 finale approaching and the announcement of the movie and sequel series, Spy x Family has garnered a lot of attention to itself. We also need to be ready for both the new additions to the series as they are scheduled for the next year. But, let’s keep that aside and discuss the episode.
Just to avoid vagueness and confusion, the episode I’m talking about is Spy x Family episode 24. There was nothing in the episode that isn’t worth adoring… But, there are a few key highlights that I found worth sharing and that is what I’ll be reviewing today.
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NOTE: The content ahead is going to contain spoilers so you can avoid reading further if you plan on watching the episode without getting spoiled.
Spy x Family Episode 24 Review
The key highlights of the episode that I’ll be discussing today are Loid’s confusion, Yor as a mother and a wife, Becky and Anya’s friendship, and Damian’s affection.
- Loid’s confusion

Let’s start with the fact that even though Loid has never acknowledged the Forger family, he does care a lot about them. This can be backed by the fact that he is an elite who never drops down his guard yet whenever he is with his family, the case seems to be a whole lot different. You can say that he worked so hard for everyone that he never looked at himself. And that is where his family comes in.

Yor had been feeling depressed from the previous episode as her victory was not acknowledged as she wanted it to be. This worries Loid as he wanted to seem like a good couple in front of others in order to not get caught as a suspicious person. This confusion was not just from Loid as the misunderstanding rooted from both sides.
He initiates making Yor feel better and confronting her about the misunderstanding with Fiona so that the neighbors don’t feel suspicious or even worse, Yor’s brother gets involved and foils his mission. This is one of the things that I found really adorable. It’s that even though this family is a means towards his mission, his true feelings lie elsewhere and he has yet to realize what these are.
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Even though it started with that intention, it all changes when he realizes that Yor has been an important part of the Forger family which makes him confide in her. Just on a side note, I can never forget that drunk Yor was looking so cute that I had almost lost my mind.

The funny moment was when Loid tried to lay a honey trap, since he thought that Yor might have fallen in love with him, and ended up getting kicked in the chin (despite being an elite) and is knocked out.
This is proof that despite being someone who’s always alert, his guard always gets down with his family as was the case when Yor kicked him. It is the only place that has been able to make him feel at ease. It even developed more chemistry between them and this is not the typical romantic chemistry that we usually see. It’s more like a comfortable chemistry where they both can open themselves up in front of each other. I thoroughly enjoy it despite being a non-typical romance.
This also brings me to the next highlight which was the character of Yor in this episode.
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- Yor as a mother and a wife
This highlight is quite frankly what ties the forger family together. We see a drunk Yor who only became the wife in order to continue living on as an assassin. Yet, over the course of 24 episodes, we have seen her getting attached and wanting this family to stay like that forever.

Yor has no obligation to work hard for the forger family and yet she chose to put her efforts to become a better wife and a good mother to Anya.
We could see that she clearly wants to stay with this family and that was why she felt jealous of Fiona. It was not the fact that she loves Loid, but rather she felt inferior to Fiona and felt like she failed in her role of a good wife and a mother, and also she enjoys being a member of the Forger family. She even admitted that she had never worked so hard for anyone else except her brother.
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After being knocked out by Yor, Loid also told her that she is a strong person and he didn’t just mean physically. He felt so comfortable around her that he couldn’t even react to Yor’s kick.
The flashback of his mother and then the transition to the present where Yor was there felt so touching. The reason for it is that the only peaceful time he could remember was with his mother where he could just forget everything else and relax as was the case with Yor when he felt peace in Yor’s lap.
He had been working so hard and yet the time with his family is the only time when he ever relaxed. He even compared her with his mother stating that she is just as strong a woman as her mother and knows that she will protect Anya at any cost. She is the kind of mother to Anya that Loid’s mother was to Loid.

I loved it a lot because of the fact someone having physical strength will not necessarily make us feel as safe as being with a person who cares about us and loves us. This is what Yor is to the forgers, a mother figure, and a home they can always come back to. This is something that Fiona will not be able to fulfill no matter how adept she is.
- Becky and Anya’s friendship

I couldn’t have imagined this part to be as good as the part with Loid and Yor, but surprisingly, it was just as good. We got a little flashback on Becky where we saw how she had issues with the kids of her age due to her sincere and honest personality. The friendship between Becky and Anya was also given official approval as they developed as good friends. They are not just two classmates who often talk to each other anymore. Well, they always were friends, the only new thing is that now they acknowledged it.
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It is the first ever friendship for both of them. Now that I think about it, they both are quite similar, in the sense that they both had issues in connecting with others. This is why I felt that both of them are well suited to be friends despite being so different from each other.
The anime has also been setting up Anya and Damian to be friends and this time was also not much different. This brings me to the minor highlight from the episode.

The last scene of the episode was where we see Anya and Becky smiling and we saw Damian looking at Anya and giving off a little blush and this is not the first time that he has looked at her this way. I have a feeling that they are going to become good friends in the future of the series. Though, it is just a speculation as there is also a possibility that they stay in the awkward relationship they have at the moment.
Where to watch?
If you’re looking for a free source to watch Spy x Family, then there is a legit source that is also free. It is available on the Muse Asia Youtube Channel. They have been streaming free anime for a very long time. I’ll be providing the link to their channel below: